Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Artist Comparison

Cui Xiuwen's artwork is very ethereal and majestic. You can see she gets a lot of influence from her Chinese heritage and her existence as a woman. The color and set up are very representational in that you can either chose to picture the "angels" in Heaven or Hell. The girls in her pictures seem very unsure and lost, like many young women are. There's also a maternal quality to the artwork too. 
Cindy Sherman has a horror movie-esque quality to many of her photos that she takes, especially her "Centerfolds" collection. Her "Fairy Tale Disasters" collection is very fantasy like, and her "Untitled Film Stills" are more like centerfold pictures. All of her work though has a very realistic and raw quality to it. 
Frida Kahlo's paintings are very water color like and beautiful. You can definitely tell that she has been influenced by her Mexican and Native American heritage. Her art is very realistic but also has a surrealistic quality. You can see how her paintings tell the stories of her life, because she had many bumps in the road that she had to overcome. She accomplished a lot in her short life. 
All of the artists pieces are very strong because they are all influenced by female artists. There's also an ongoing theme between all of them of some type of struggle that they have had in their life, some type of internal hardship. Their work represents the different roles or expectations of women all around the world.

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