Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Project 2: Self Visualization Concept

For my self-visualization project I was thinking of taking pictures of myself listening to music, making goofy faces, dancing, just trying to capture things I do on a regular basis. I'm a quirky girl, so I thought it would best fit if I was just acting natural. I was thinking of putting some type of focus on my eyes, since they're pretty much my favorite feature, so I was thinking of maybe colorizing them in some way, maybe making them stand out by making the rest of my face black and white and just making my eyes a bright emerald green. I really want to stick with something with music, just because music is something I love and that is very important to me and can relate to my life and events that have happened to me, whether it's about my friends or family, heartache or thinking ahead into the future. I was thinking of putting some type of word bubble somewhere too, and possibly scattering words in the picture that describes myself and using certain types of font to emphasize the words. I was thinking of somehow incorporating my nationalities into my project , but I'm not sure how I will go about doing that. I wanted to also include pictures that represent art, music, and film since those are some of my favorite things. I'd also like to possibly incorporate pictures of my friends and family into my project. I was thinking of making some type of collage part to the project, but lowering the opacity a little so you could still see my picture. So far that's all I have, but knowing me random things will pop up during the process of creating this project. 

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