Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dia: Beacon Field Trip

I really enjoyed the trip we took to Dia: Beacon the other day. I had never been there so it was a new experience for me. I was surprised at the range of different artworks they had, and it was different from most museums I had been to. I liked the fact that it wasn't an actual museum, but rather a large studio building that had been put into use as a museum, it gave it more of an artsy feel I thought. I enjoyed Robert Smithson's piece "Map of Broken Glass". It was so beautiful, the hue of the glass was almost a robin's egg blue and it was very shiny and I wanted to touch the piece so bad, even though I knew it was made out of broken glass. It reminded me of a mineral rock you would find in a mining museum gift shop. The piece I had the most fun with though was Richard Serra's "Torqued Ellipse" series. My friends and I ran around on the inside which was a lot of fun! It was really neat to see and run around in a piece that I've learned about in several of my classes. Dan Flavin's work with the fluorescent lights I thought was very unique and I liked taht I got a chance to see his work up close because I have to do a presentation and paper on him for my Conceptual Art class. Another highlight of my trip was getting to sit on those ridiculously comfortable couches while viewing Andy Warhol's work. Perfect!

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